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Order management is the process of efficiently and effectively handling customer orders from the point of receipt to delivery. It involves various tasks and workflows aimed at ensuring that orders are processed accurately, products are available for shipment, and customers receive their purchases on time. Effective order management is crucial for businesses to meet customer expectations, maintain inventory control, and streamline the fulfillment process. Here are the key components and stages of order management:

The process begins when a customer places an order. This can be done through various channels, such as online platforms, mobile apps, phone calls, or in-person at physical stores.


Effective order management helps businesses maintain customer loyalty, reduce order processing errors, improve delivery times, and optimize inventory levels. It is particularly crucial for businesses that deal with high order volumes or have complex supply chain operations.

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Any businesses utilize this application or integrate the modules within their larger enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to streamline and automate the entire order management process.